shut up and read
no animals are hurt in the creation of this blogskin.
if there are any coincidences mentioned, do not doubt, i must be referring to you.
march update!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 @ 11:00:00 PM
since a daily update would be willing but unable, here comes the monthly one! not that many many people read my blog nowadays too. x=
shall start with march first.
i remembered telling myself that i will start march with a nonchalant attitude towards people and things. now that 23 days have past, hmm, i have not done a very good job. or rather, what have i done well in my life?
sick from the first day of march till the march BREAK.
spent my SHORT ten days studying!
day 1 (fri): IT fair with bibiana and brought a gorgeous babe home!

day 2: first day of serious work! =D
day 3: mahjong at grandparents' place. round winner! =D
day 4: mass chem tutorial at audi and dental.
day 5: study in college.
day 6: airport visit.
day 7: airport visit.
day 8: math with berlinda at amk library. initially with shouhong then miaoting and friend joined.
day 9: met them and rushed off for dinner at airport and sendding sis off.
day 10: last day of salvation!
ben and jerry's free cone day!

saw this couple on the bus to sHamuel's house and was taken aback. look at how intimately they are sitting next to one another!

ending off with endless thoughts and hesistations. ):
tml is a mug-as-if-there-is-no-tml day.
22/02 - 28/02.
Monday, March 8, 2010 @ 3:15:00 PM
22- 26/02: CVD preparation goes full swing!
daily meetings and staying back for everything. x=
26/02: last day before CVD.
lessons ended early. stuck in OTR till 3pm when i am expected to stop what i am doing and help the others. running, tearing tapes, pasting tapes, blowing balloons, tying them, pasting them onto the pillars of the walkway and of course, clearing the rubbish, alone.
27/02: CVD.
the running, the perspiration, the talking, the liaison, the shouting (despite my faltering voice), the blood and the tears.
not forgetting my mum meeting mrs teo. x=
and it all ended with my head hitting the pillow and into deep slumber instead of lalaland after a dinner with jie hao, shao wei, ting hui, denice and tracy at northpoint sakura. =D
28/02: stares blankly the whole day and trying to do work.
march: the start of misery.
have to tone down.
have to start studying.
have to control myself.
have to be disciplined.
have to be healthy.
have to sleep early.
have to tllm.
have to eat less, drink less and shyt less.
have to be not zhuang yi, basically.
will not be updating my blog due to the abovementioned. ): if i have any strong emotions and can use the laptop, i will blog. if i have agressive emotions, i will blog elsewhere.