shut up and read
no animals are hurt in the creation of this blogskin.
if there are any coincidences mentioned, do not doubt, i must be referring to you.
they think i am retarded...
true enough. well, if i am not talking when you see me, it can only mean two things; either i am overwhelmed by someone or i am E M O ing.
temper is on the SUPERB extreme. try me if you do not believe in that.
if a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then is an empty desk?
no wonder my desk is always flooded. =D
Sunday, December 30, 2007 @ 6:36:00 PM
Yishun Town Secondary School, National Police Cadet Corps, Skill Training Camp 2007.
irritating masdiyanah must make me angry with her smses which are not answering my questions. GRR.
me: fyi. aaron and i are going to mac to buy breakfast. do you want anything?mas: oh. okay can.me: regardless you give me your consent or not, i am still going. what do you want?mas: yes i want, i want!me: WHAT do you want? *m.f.*. do not make me angry.**: content unsuitable for children below 18.
fyi, i am below 18.
the campers fall-in and we stuck ourselves to each squad. i am in charge of BRAVO! the sense of belonging when my camp coordinators, fellow instructors and campers related me to BRAVO.
anyway. these are the people in STC squad BRAVO- karthikan, pira, wei hao, jian hui, samuel, kenrick, farid, jiawen, shahirah, syahirah and fatin.
as usual, the talk about punctuality, sense of urgency and responsibility. these are part of the core of NPCC and they are always lacking. the many COA, briefing during meal-times, the jokes we shared and the AFIs.
and i do not know why. no one reports to me. until the night of day 2. i stuffed the remaining of the pizza i was eating, into my mouth before the start of my lecture. AND THEN JIAN HUI REPORTED TO ME. i was struggling to make out "carry on" these two words. and then by the time he finished reporting, i was still not done with the pizza. again i struggled to make out the same words. x=
i think i was rather slack to the campers. i did not raise my voice at them AT ALL. i think most of you will be shocked to see the earlier sentence. i did not shout at all, i repeat. i think i also did not put BRAVO into pumping positions.
all i did, was to express all my ideas and elaborations within 5 minutes.
is this the standard you think you should show to me and your aaron sir? are you putting in the efforts? is this the amount of efforts you should put in to get staff sergeant? is this enough for staff sergeants-wanna-to-be? to get staff sergeant, you have to go through private, lance corporal, corporal, sergeant and staff sergeant. are you sure this kind of standard can get all of you to staff sergeant? SO ON AND SO FORTH.
i spoke all these without stopping and letting them to reply. or rather, do they even want to reply.
i was even slacker to them during campcraft sessions. i taught them the knots and lashings and went one by one to check. i think i will be labeled in their hearts, "the least fierce instructor for STC". i have toned down slightly for this camp, this camp ONLY.
people, wait till i get better and pang zhuang yi returns.
hahaha hahaha.