Tuesday, October 30, 2007 @ 6:51:00 PM
29/10: english paper. i decided to buy a bottle of mineral water to go with my papers. unfortunately, i drank too much. paper 1 was from 8-945 and i was already feeling urgent from 845. the last few minutes felt like eternity. same thing almost happened to paper 2, just that it was not eternity, plainly want to go to the washroom.
lesson learnt: do not even drink water before a paper. school exams are still alright, not national exams.
after the papers, i went to mr bean with peixin, vernicia and guan yu. i bought the 3-in-1 riceballs to try. upon reaching the cc, i realised i forgot the spoon. i did not know that i was supposed to take it on my own and i conveniently forgot to check.
lesson learnt: always bring extra plastic utensils out. why plastic- my mum will scold if i bring the metal ones out.
Sunday, October 28, 2007 @ 10:03:00 PM
i guess yesterday was the end of
everything? it has been such a
LONG time. i did not regret it though. no one forced me to like you. and i am not hating anyone, really. it has been npcc which gave me the chance to know you and yes, develop feelings for you. i
t is 4 years i am talking about here. it is not easy. some people can change their boy/girlfriends like one in one month or even more? now then i realise i am so, erm, good? aiya, wrong adjective.
since you already had someone in mind, then i wish both of you best of luck? it is really not easy to let go. it really hurts to find out the truth like how i did. and it really pained me to discover on my own that the person you had liked since sec 1, likes your friend (to what extent, i cannot say).
alright. this shall mark the end of this single-sided relationship. i know i will not regret it. at least i know,
i had really liked someone before, wholeheartedly. like what ms susan soh has said,
it is your loss. and of course, after this, i will be once again single. i was single all along, i meant that my heart 100% belongs to me again. ((= i hope i can be single and available soon (depending on who would want me. duh).
i know that you need help. and she is there to help you. isn't that what are friends for? helping each other in need. and that, does not exist for both of us, anymore. i often wonder, are things that bad? i can only wonder.after art, i went to kfc for lunch with karen, jermaine, donovan, aaron and roland. we were talking about our past papers. it seemed like only some of my answers were not too bad. haha. i just hoped so for all the questions for all the papers.i then went to bk (finally decided) to study. oh yes. i still owe edmund $2. hmm. i shall jot it down. hahaha. we had hersey's chocolate pie. we also saw jaime. long time no see. we chatted for a while then she went off with her friends. yiling and candy met us later. yiling still dared to tell me she was going for a movie at 10. well well. i went to ICHI-BAN SUSHI for dinner! my sister's treat. i had one whole bento set to my own. haha. the food was YUMS. my mother and sister loved wasabi, i wonder why. haha.on the way home, i saw adriano, yes that don't know which superstar guy. he is not very tall (oops) and very very emo. haha. i cannot help but overhear his conversation and his girl-friend or girlfriend- not sure and don't care. i used to like him BUT not that crazy. he was looking into his phone then sort of exclaimed, he said he is not coming le la. then he squatted down. weird? after that he was talking about people. have all the gan-family. he even listed them out. like gan jiejie, gan meimei, gan gorgor, gan didi, gan mama, gan papa, gan agong, gan ama, gan shushu, gan yiyi. what went through my mind was, WOAH. HE KNOWS HIS STUFF. LOL.
i am sorry, but i cannot help but overhear. they were the only ones talking. anyway, i have to thank him. he gave me the idea of writing the compo on monday. NOT THE HEROES ONE. but i really exaggerated until he scolds crude languages. haha, i wrote ken tan anyway.
Thursday, October 25, 2007 @ 1:02:00 AM
i thought this was funny. try it! haha. but we have no more lessons.
1. Try to develop psychic powers, then use them.
(how?)2. Inflate a beach-ball and throw it around the room.
(omg. so fun!)3. Sing Show Tunes.
4. Make loud animal noises then deny doing it.
(i shall try!)5. Think of new pick lines. See if they work.
6. Pretend you're flying a jet fighter in the Gulf War.7. Churn some butter.
8. Conceive a brand new language.
9. Walls made of brick. Count them.
(try finding the number of moles!)10. Plot revenge against someone.
(my favourite activity!)11. Think of nicknames for everyone you know.
12. See how long you can hold your breath.
(what if i die before end of O's?)13. Take your pants off and give them to the professor.14. Chew on your arm until someone notices.15. Change seats every three minutes.
16. Think of ways to cheat at Trivial Pursuit.
17. Shave.18. Run across the room, tap someone and say "You're it."
19. Announce to the class that you are God and that you're angry.20. Think of five new ways to use your shoes.
(telephone, weapon, embellishment, throw around and?)21. Start a wave.
(longitudinal or transverse?)22. Walk around the room begging for spare change.
23. Roast marshmallows.24. Practice phrasing your answers in the form of a question.
25. Crawl around the room humming the music from Mission Impossible.26. Take apart your desk.
27. Pretend to communicate with your home planet.
28. Play rock-paper-scissors with yourself. Accuse your left hand of cheating.29. Do a quick tap dance routine.
30. Try bird-watching.
31. Walk up the aisle yelling, "Popcorn! Hot popcorn here!".32. Throw your backpack at someone.
33. Run to the window, then say, "Sorry, I thought I saw the Bat-signal".34. Ask the person in front of you to marry you.
(nicholas khoo?)35. Start laughing really hard and say, "Oh, now I get it.".
36. Make a sundial.
37. Give yourself a new identity.
38. Write a screenplay about a diabetic Swedish girl who can't swim.
(snorts)39. Dig an escape tunnel. (the staff of ytss will love me a lot!)40. Announce your candidacy for President.
(and then?)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007 @ 11:42:00 PM
a quick post again.
backstabbers here and there again? yawns. childish. haha. everyone is just too stressed then they will just pick on random people to talk about. nasty things about me. of course nasty. haha. backstabbing then praise the person to they skies. HAHA. anyway, it is not that i have no nasty things to talk about. i cannot finish within two days with brief description of each case. i am not an angel. I KNOW.
monday was amaths paper 1. omg. i thought it was difficult? haha. i was like, gosh. why all the weird answers. i hate that matrix question. EVEN HAVE FRACTIONS TILL 1 OVER
16. but, you can never understand the sense of satisfaction i felt when i know my answer is correct for amaths. i studied at cc after paper.
tuesday was amaths paper 2. i thought it will be easier. yes, of course, with topics like logarithmic equations, co-ordinate geometry and binomial theorem. well, it turns out that out of these three, i have lost half the marks. GRR. LOGARITHMIC EQUATIONS. i felt that maybe it was the school's fault, for setting questions which are too difficult then it will give us an impression that, ALL AMATHS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ARE COMPLICATED. Xx= another 100% cleared! i studied at cc after paper.
wednesday was today and we had chemistry! another 32.5% cleared! i thought some of the questions are dumb? like the first one. we were given this table. they gave us the substances and we have to fill in the blanks (uses or properties).
QUESTION: oxygen (substance) acetylene to blah blah welding (use) then they wanted us to fill in the properties. i even asked pure sciences, and they do not know. i thought we only do not learn what pure sciences learn, now the case is that we HAVE TO LEARN what THEY DO NOT? seemed the case. this is one mark. hahaha. i cannot believe i am making a mountain out of a molehill.
and they gave 2 marks for "how ethene is converted to ethanol in indutries?" i guess they want to see the 300deg and 60atm? group 1 metal react with water to form metal hydroxide huh? i lost i think all 5 marks of the question? or maybe only 4 because i wrote it will react explosively. 5 marks for, "how does Rubidium react with water? name all chemical products of reaction and give chemical formulae".
i thought paper was slightly more difficult than last year's except the organic chemistry part. TO THINK I WENT TO MEMORISE THE LINKAGES HOW TO IDENTIFY AND HOW TO DRAW. i studied at cc after paper.
tml is geography. i have to meet ms kwa on friday and saturday for art. i think i am near hopeless. i am sorry.
Sunday, October 21, 2007 @ 10:59:00 PM
19/10: happy birthday to peixin!
and i thought i just write a short post before i retire for the night.
i took every chance to study at the nee soon east cc everyday i could. it is VERY beneficial. i can study somewhere where there is no temptation (except the tv outside the readig room) and i can also study with my friends. we may talk and laugh, but it is better than i study at home (let's say i am not tempted by laptop, tv or bed), cracking my brain and killing my brain cells if i do not know how to do a sum or question. although my parents do not like me to study till late like 8 or 9 in the night, but i really think this can help me in my revision.
almost everytime i go to the cc, i would always see this couple. i assume both are taking o's this year, and it is confirmed by edmund; they were from his primary school.
the girl always comes to the cc earlier than the boy. they seemed serious, or maybe
really serious before the later part? what i remember is THE BOY ALWAYS TOUCHES THE GIRL! omg. everytime and almost all the time. once, sandy saw the boy touching the inner of the girl's thigh! OMG. both peixin and i agree that the girl does not really feel comfortable with it. but doesn't she do anything? and another middle-aged couple today too. hugging and touching each other. come on. ISNT STUDYING FOR O LEVELS MORE IMPORTANT THAN RELATIONSHIPS or even HUGGING EACH OTHER IN PUBLIC?
i just viewed the website my sister is in now. in New York City, this time at Carnegie Hall, J.K. Rowling dropped a bombshell on the Harry Potter fan community. When asked by a fan if Dumbledore ever loved anyone, J.K. Rowling replied Dumbledore was gay.well, does it really matter? i mean i do wonder why he does not have a wife? (maybe prof macgonall was like, compatible to him?) but knowing the fact that the role, albus dumbledore is/was a gay, does not change my opinion of him being respected, intelligent and all the great things he had done and achieved. will there be a difference in the story if he was homo or hetero?
i have also read the comments by the public. most of them felt the same as me; it would have made no difference to the story. however, there are also comments like,
"hp is a children's book. there should not be the issue on sexual orientation in the book." well, it is your mouth, it is your say. they mentioned he is attracted to Gellert Grindelwald, but i thought it was also normal to be attracted to an equal, who was as smart, as ambitious and has the same goals?
enough of the controversial topic. haha.
to all who are having amaths paper tomorrow, ALL THE BEST!
Thursday, October 18, 2007 @ 9:16:00 PM
18/10: i dragged myself out of the comfy bed and went to school. TODAY IS THE SCIENCE PRACTICALS. another 15% is cleared today! many were tricked by the
improvements. come on man. if it is precautions, just say it is! 2% out of the 100% gone! plus the cobalt(II) nitrate. AIYO!
after the examinations, peixin, sandy and i took 962 to sun plaza then trained to yishun. the bus was already crowded outside our school. i was the last to board and i was already at the door. i was enjoying the trip as it was my first time standing nearer to the front window pane than the driver! woo! so cool!
upon reaching north link...there was this lady in flowery blouse. she kept complaining, saying that we are wasting time, no initiatives, do not know how to stand in the bus. the complaints are still alright, BUT she kept repeating them! that was so irritating. until when we reached the bus stop opposite our school, she started everything AGAIN. what the heck. if i was not wearing my school uniform, i would have shouted at her to shut her trap up then to the LOWER SEC. i shall elaborate on this later. she started to squeeze her way to the back, saying that we do not know how to move to the back. EXCUSE ME. you want to move in; that is your problem. must you squeeze me to the ticket dispenser until all my juices can flow out? must you squeeze sandy to the seat? and must you squeeze peixin to the seat just next to the LOWER SEC who were squeezing the blardy plastic bottle and causing a public nuisance? it makes no sense and no point.you may say i am self-centred and only care about ourselves. if i were, would i even care to ask the stubborn people to move in? it all boils down to the comfort zone issue again. to a certain extent, the lady is right. THEY were indeed wasting time, THEY were indeed selfish, THEY indeed do not know how to stand in two rows, THEY indeed had and have no initiatives. so? does it help by complaining to yourself and not taking any actions? actions speak louder than words. ACTIONS, not complaining to yourself.now to another issue: it may not be only the lower sec, but today, every single one of you proved to me that it is you people. if you are selfish, please do not announce to the whole world through your actions. you, your friends, YTzens, me and the people from northlink want to have lunch soon and not squeeze like sardines with all the people. you have your comfort zone, what about the rest? be sensible. what the seniors have done for the school, is going to the drains because of you people.talking about what you people have done, for example, playing and creating a nuisance in trains, buses, fastfood restaurants, public places, shirts and blouses not tucked in properly, shouting vulgarities, pointing middle fingers and a lot more. this only shows how ill-mannered you are, not how cool. not only the lower sec, but all has a part to play. tarnishing the image of the school. cannot say i really love the school and everything, but the school has put in efforts for your education and are you sure you can find the same standard of education anywhere? the answer would be negative. if you think this is propaganda, exit my blog, never visit it again. coz if you really search your conscience, what the teachers have said, are right.to those who stood up to "show your support" for me, actually you do not have to stand up. if you have the guts, shout out that you want me to introduce myself. you do not have to know who the person is, if you want to applaud, you may, if you have the guts. i really take my hat off all of you. when everyone is squeezing, all of you can pretend that is none of your business, great! fine. wear your uniform, take a pail and cover your head and the school logo, and say you are not from yishun town. since you are not proud, i have nothing to say, nothing.
@ 6:53:00 PM
16/10: happy birthday to kian ru!
i had emaths and amaths lesson in the morning then ms soh's lesson to watch OCTOBER SKY. it is really a good movie. ms goh talked to us then we received our report books and 2nd class photo. i then went to study with how leong and joycelyn at yishun bk. now my biggest secret is out. haha.
17/10: happy birthday to xiubin.
my charger played a prank on me. after meeting ms tham, we went to study outside the library then to the cc. PATHETIC
KIDS IN THE CLASSROOM. i shall elaborate more later. i helped sandy do many, many things. haha. she owe me something now. i also received my birthday present from patrine. thanks. ((=
have you never seen a teacher talking to sec 4s in a classroom? must you stare until your eyes are popping out? must you continue to stare when we are glaring at you? you can play your card games, chit chat, gay around or whatsoever. i had the thought to grab an extra chair and ask you to join us. PATHETIC KID.
Monday, October 15, 2007 @ 1:39:00 AM
oh yes. i forgot to mention this since last week. like that i have been expecting, not only bloggers are reading your blogs. haha. you can never guess correctly who is reading this post of mine now. you do not know, i do not know too. ((= readers, since you view my blog, just tag can. you will make me think as though my blog is so UNWANTED. hahahaha.
long time since i last uploaded interesting photos.

this is MY CANVAS (60%)!

the very nice canvas at the staircase opposite spiral staircase.

my birthday cake when i celebrated with my family 2006.

my birthday cake when i celebrated with my family 2007.

amanda, cheryl and sheena celebrated for me. THANKS.

yiling and roumiao after humanities lesson.

oops! taken secretly but it is nice. night of 10/10.

our 2nd class photo-taking in sec4. informal!

i guess ms soh had a fun time? haha.

1e3 and 4e4!

2e6 and 4e4! who stuck with ms soh for 3 years.

we stuck ourselves to ms soh for FOUR years!

4e4 NCOs! jiajun was saying, over THERE.

artistic and crazy samurais!

artistic and posed samurais!


-mons (1) taken by me. short of yippymon.

-mons (2) taken by ansar. short of yippymon.

@ 1:17:00 AM
12/10: happy birthday to chuanwan and weizhou!
i think i am too tired from the night studies. i slept till 3. haha. and i blogged. basically, i wasted the day. ARGH.
13/10: saturday. i went out to study with michelle, jermaine, karen and yiling. reading room was closed so we went to the a-mei cafe beside stalford's tuition centre. we had kaya toast with iced milk tea. we thought the toast was similar to ya-kun's. or perhaps we were hungry? their iced milk tea is good; not too sweet or milky.
a piece of advice: if you want to study there, you might have to bring slightly more cash and a jacket. it can be quite cold if you are sitting in there for more than 3 hours.
after that, i went to get presents.
i am a member of minitoons. haha. people, i am a member. if you need the card, just approach me. haha. it depends i want to lend it to you or not though. i went to the cc with yiling and saw people playing basketball. on our way there, i complained to yiling about sand in my slippers.
federick, zhengrong, liyun, alvin, bryan, kb (don't know how to spell, so better don't) and some others. federick and zhengrong were talking about me when i stood up when me and yiling wanted to leave. ya, gossip somemore. he joked about me and alvin. i joked with him to return his joke. haha.
14/10: sunday! i woke up at 11, amazingly. haha. i replied friends' smses as what i do every morning (provided there are smses for me to reply, usually, yes. coz i always sms people like 1-4am in the morning. LOL). liaise here and there and met kianru at the mrt station to get the gigantic present. haha. not mine anyway. no need to be happy. so can cancel the haha, like this ->
what i did was dumb, i know.
i had lunch and went studying. my sister's scott slip-on or whatever you call it, was having a great time 'devouring' my skin away. it hurts. my sister did not mention anything about, wearing plasters with the shoes, careful, it might hurt. ARGH. the sensation when i go to bathe or touches water with my leg.
7 more days to prepare for my amaths paper 1. the 8th day is the paper. omg. it is supposed to be easy, but how would you face the exam positively when f9 is always what you got for the past year and months. it may be national exams like PSLE, BUT who cares about PSLE then. haha.
i hate my handwriting. i prefer blogging and smsing.coz no matter how much effort i put in, i just cannot write your name in a nice manner.
Friday, October 12, 2007 @ 6:08:00 PM
i did not have a peaceful for the last day. why can't they grow up and stop throwing people into the dustbin? the dustbin is bent, for goodness sake. that is, of course, because of their childish acts.
okay. enough of unhappiness. we looked through all our works in the cupboard in art room. ms kwa went to margaret drive to mark our coursework, as in THE NATION's. all the ugly works of mine. haha.
i realised some of the art students already have
the talent last year. like chuanjing, dina and humaira. and of course, humaira's
attempt to blend. haha. yiling with her alien. melissa with her mao zedong. me and my bear. HAHA. art days were simply hilarious with all of you around. this is so difficult to forget.
i also realised another thing. some of their works are related to their canvas in a way or another. leilei and the nicely-drawn flowers on the cup. masdiyanah with her stupid 67 marks (should be) work, with the woman sitting at the corner or something. chuanjing and her dolphin, related to nature then to floral and fauna. me and my ugly work, related to emo-ness and then to the sinister side of at play. AND LASTLY, mc with his blending.
i will never forget the happiness we have during the coursework days. the day we received the question paper. submission of 3 boards. submission of 6 boards. tracing our canvas. finally, first drop of paint on our CANVAS. our art camp. rushing to meet the deadlineS of the final work. how we ran in the art room to type and paste everything on the A2 black boards. the day we parted with them. and now. we have received the 40% question paper. the choice and the decision lies with us. ms kwa could not reiterate on the importance of paper 2 and preparatory work anymore. we cannot afford to sabotage the time, help and efforts ms kwa and us have put in. let us do a good job in securing the 40%.
@ 12:52:00 AM

09/10: my birthday. CHEERS! i would like to thank those who made it fun out of the tension for preparation for O's.
art paper 2 questions were also given out. WOOHOO. this is my birthday present from ms kwa. ((=
it is actually the back of a photo of MY CANVAS, from ms kwa. motivational!
PS: i never knew i was a motivator. and i know i MUST do my paper 2
10/10: we had the science practical briefing. another 1.5 hours of studying gone? after that, i went to the minimart and bought many many things. for the dinner by ms soh. omg. she so rocks my life in ytss. after that, i had english isg with peixin with my horrible composition.
to yiling: do you think you did that so on purpose and is there any possibility that she will not realise it? anyway, thanks for everything that you have done for me. ((=
late in the night, we had night study. in E2-5, we only have 5 people in the room. (dnt students went for lesson) chuanjing, yiling, geena, me and mc. yiling and geena were humourous, very very humourous. two words to describe the day: TYPO ERROR.
Monday, October 8, 2007 @ 10:23:00 PM
good long time since i last came online and blogged.
02/10: happy birthday to wei ru!
i also received a well-deserved scolding.
03/10: cannot remember.
04/10: stupid car from canberra sec which jammed up two lanes. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OUR HUMILIATION. st late nvm. you still can pretend to be punctual and catch people like nothing happened.
LAST PE! i told all of you. those who are in my group, will always win. haha.
05/10: happy birthday to eileen!
FRIDAY! last friday before graduation!
06/10 & 07/10: BELAJARed at nee soon east cc.
today: english test. something unpleasant must happen. extreme fluctuation of mood.
nice star. thanks. ((= appreciated. i went ecstatic after the confirmation from cw.
stop PSPing at my seat. if you want, can. STOP DROPPING MY THINGS.
please do not use what i have failed to gain an upperhand over me, esp THAT.
my engine is slowing. i wanted so much to continue. the frictional force is just greater than the force applied. Fnet= negative.
i really do not know what happened. can you tell me what you want? please do not give me hope and dash it the next minute. i am really tired of all these. all these leng yan leng yu. really. i almost broke down today. you are making me confused. are you motivating me or ignoring me? you do not have to waste your time writing notes or motivational cards for me. you can just talk to me normally and i am motivated to the apex.
am i too much of a joker? so much that no one takes what i said for real? i know i am insignificant in your lives, and no one is indispensable. but can anyone just care? it hurts.
Monday, October 1, 2007 @ 11:46:00 PM
year 2005: live strong wristband
year 2006: always ready pencilcase-like bag
year 2007: NOTHING.
we can never what the school has done for us, but is the school unable to give us some small thing as motivation? it really works. at least when it is something practical, when we see it as we use it, we know the school is side by side with us,
fighting the battle, till the end.
night study has been great so far. yi ling's creditable performance in the classroom on last friday. it really made us laugh, and move on.
the battle is tough. jokes like these tell us,
we are not fighting it
alone or we are not
lonely. we have
friends who care, who
are with us, who understand us
to the fullest extent, to the last bit.
friends in POA, paper 1 is really important. we will try not to celebrate on the 6th november. we will celebrate on the 13rd november,
together. everything we do, will be together. we do and hand in our canvas and art boards TOGETHER, we lunch and dine TOGETHER, we get in and out of trouble TOGETHER, we cry in sorrow and joy TOGETHER.
please cherish the time you have with your class. 10/10/07 is the second last day in your school uniform. next year's jan (or feb) is the decision day. BUT you have to decide what you want to receive next year.
@ 11:15:00 PM
i think you have a fine, or rather,
perfect father if he
takes in advice
admits his mistakes
practises what he says
and if he is not/does not:
a compulsive smoker
a compulsive gambler
a compulsive drinker
a drug addict
have a GIGANTIC ego
thinks he is always right
think his way is the RIGHT one
lose his temper very now and then
scold you for every single small thing
belt you if you block his view of the tv
does not consider about others' feelings
say vulgarities and expects the child not to
behave like he is the only one on planet earth
expect everything to be done his way
expect everything to be done at his orders immediately
scold you for your average results in school without understanding WHY
scold your mother for EVERYTHING she has done for him for the past years
want you to learn from his good points
naturally, when he has MUCH MORE bad points
and a complete failure if he:
is the exact combination of everything listed above.
if you have anything to add to the list, please tag me, sms me, email me or msn me.