shut up and read
no animals are hurt in the creation of this blogskin.
if there are any coincidences mentioned, do not doubt, i must be referring to you.
they think i am retarded...
true enough. well, if i am not talking when you see me, it can only mean two things; either i am overwhelmed by someone or i am E M O ing.
temper is on the SUPERB extreme. try me if you do not believe in that.
if a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then is an empty desk?
no wonder my desk is always flooded. =D
Sunday, April 8, 2007 @ 11:34:00 PM
wearing number 1 is definitely not easy. just the headache of pinning the crests is enough.
the uniform we got this time, is a new set. there are no indications on how do we actually pin our collar crests. i came up with mine- pinning it such as the end is aligned to the uniform's line. despite saying that, i can have people rebutting that why should we do that. hello. can you then give me a better suggestion on where do we pin it? if not, do you mind shutting your wonderful big, fat cream-of-the-crop's mouth. thank you.
no one thought of teaching the juniors how to wear the uniform. well, none of them. i was the one who took time off to teach them, and of course, if they did not take time off to learn, none of this could be possible. i can have people telling me this only on WED and THURS," pang, i think we need to teach the juniors how to wear number 1." well, some even didn't care. woah. that was the only word i could thought of. "i have already taught them on tuesday. didn't you see me teaching them?" and "you only thought of it now? ", i replied coldly, with a plain stare, withholding all sorts of emotions, including those of 'do-you-think-i-care'. not do not care about if they know how to wear, but do not care about your late-coming suggestion.
he was emo-ing, when he was with everyone. when he was alone with me, her and YTWO, he was alright. he scolded us early in the morning. i was of course unhappy. not that he cannot be, but out of a sudden you see. maybe not out of a sudden, but it is from the vantage point, he was unreasonable. i sat with amanda on the bus again, with julia beside me, across the 'aisle', whatever you call it. we became 'rebellious' whatever you call it (again). we made comments on every sentence he says.
for example, "those who have nothing to do, shut up." i was helping to adjust amanda's and julia's uniform, so i kept talking and making slight noises, even i have no reason to do so. when i stopped, i shut up. you see my point? another example is, "i don't want to see anyone standing during the bus journey." we saw jiajun standing after awhile. we started to whisper loudly so that we could hear ourselves, "how ar? jiajun standing leh? should we cover his eyes, so that he cannot see anyone standing?"
i brought my amaths over to hta to do, as i have nothing to do over there. in the end, i only did one differentiation question. oh ya. i have not handed in the worksheet. this is me. always
enthusiastically doing new homework and things before completing the previous.
we went back to sembawang sec and health-conscientiously walked to sun plaza. i was waiting for chuan jing, then i started to float around in sun plaza. firstly, i went to aries, wanting to buy new socks. dumb pair of socks i have now, so transparent. the thicker ones obviously did not exist in the shop, thus i went to 2 spectacles shops to look for
dew contact lens solution with amanda. it also did not exist in the shops, so she went home, i went to kfc to find the rest.
you can actually see the typical cliques in kfc. this with this, that with that. aiya. so typical can. lol. i went over to each of the tables, chit-chatting as if i am entertaining them during my wedding dinner =x such a fitting comparison huh.
her sms exceeded. anything lol. she said, "my friend meh" when her junior said i was her friend. kns. i began to eat ferociously when i realised i was the slowest. she kept leaning on me for the first part of the bus journey, i wonder why. i poked my finger into her hip then she siam-ed. interesting? lol. i also taught the monkey-salute to junting (who tried to cover her name tag after i have already seen it more than 10,000 [just a favourite number of mine] times), and she burst into laughter, once again, i wonder why.
i went home with dina on 812 again. hmm. i think we have became rather good friends after all those art tutorials and NPCC Day Annual Parade (NPAP) trainings. and we always have the expressions while i point at chuan jing (supposedly to bad-mouth her). she will always have the same expression to counterpart us. haha. wonderful life in 4e4 =D i will die just missing it.