shut up and read
no animals are hurt in the creation of this blogskin.
if there are any coincidences mentioned, do not doubt, i must be referring to you.
they think i am retarded...
true enough. well, if i am not talking when you see me, it can only mean two things; either i am overwhelmed by someone or i am E M O ing.
temper is on the SUPERB extreme. try me if you do not believe in that.
if a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then is an empty desk?
no wonder my desk is always flooded. =D
11/08- 14/08.
Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 9:00:00 PM
11/08: back to college. yawns!
deduction of FIVE marks for my tutorial. greatness. in this way, how can i pass my DW. -,- probably get a C for math coz of DW.
12/08: brain exercise! thoughtful. -,-
what did i tell myself about being kind? what did i tell myself about being helpful? obviously this is so chi li bu tao hao!i had some ADVANCED first aid course by an external agency. firstly, it was not advanced. i did what i have learnt in SFA, except learning how to use the scoop. secondly, i am not really in favour of the external agency's paramedic. other than being touchy to us (females AND males), we laughed a bit here, a bit there and learnt less than what i could have in that three hours.
but still, i have to be polite huh. -,- thanks for coming. hope i will not see you again! *weak smile*
something about being kinky too. why am i degrading myself? or rather what is the point about being with friends like that? zi zuo nie, bu ke huo. huo gai.13/08: emo-ed more than usual.
what i do not like about mondays are actually not the point about needing to return to college after the weekends, but actually the timetable. i only have ONE hour of break when the day is from 0810 to 1710. twelve hours in college, ten hours of lessons, one hour of break plus another hour of being in college in the midst of coming and going off.
what i have done to deserve all these? such a weakling i have become. probably will just shatter into pieces within a touch. useless.i had fun getting myself angry and had fun shooting a person in sms today during math tutorial. anyway, such things like poor concepts. x=
14/08: TGIF. welcome my busy weekends.
history lecture was like that.
math was sleepy and attentive.
econ reflection was great,
econ tutorial was being soft-spoken,
econ venue was stinky.
PE was appearing to catch balls,
PE was laughing out loud,
PE was screaming and shouting.
mock SPA was hilarious and a joke.
THE weekly phrase: touchy!
probably continue next week.
all the plans. what for. when only MY plans will be cancelled.
movies (so near yet so far):
harry potter and the order of phoenix
harry potter and the half blood prince
moodless TOTALLY.
wait for others to date me? yeah, carry on waiting for miracles to happen, carry on with your hands stretched out for things to fall, carry on with your hopes being smashed like a water bomb would drop from a hundred-storey building.
> 09/08/09: TWO intensive months.
> 21/10/09: FREE FROM PAPERS!
i wished i could just throw everything off my shoulders.
if i could, i WILL.
all those responsibilities.
all those useless thoughts.
all those insignificant people whom i once called them friends.
such a foreign word which i wished i never knew.